At LBL, We Help Young People Achieve Their Physical Aspirations Through Personalised Coaching




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7 Days, 7 Challenges, One BIG Prize.
unfuck your diet image

EBook: 'The Smart Eater's Guide to Fat Loss' 

Price: £19

The comprehensive eBook on how to EAT RIGHT to lose weight and excess fat

Chapters include: The Required Mindset to Lose Fat, The Foundations of Fat Loss Nutrition, Recipes and Meal Prepping for Fat Loss, Tips and Tricks and more bonus features.

->Scroll down to 'Pricing Options' to buy now

Patrik M


"I got the book, thank you so much again. I read it once so far, and gotta say, it hit pretty hard, especially the part about the mindset. Also I think it's very well written, I can clearly see that this is something you're truly passionate about. It made me realize, that this is what I should live for. It might sound weird, but I think I have found my purpose from reading this book: it's to help people with nutrition. I will definitely keep on educating myself on it.....I owe a fuck ton to you right now."

Jack P


The 'Smart Eater's Guide to Fat Loss' Ebook was "nice and short yet very informative and helpful."

Claire G


The 'Smart Eater's Guide to Fat Loss' Ebook was "very accessible and easy to understand through the conversational tone. A non-judgemental and helpful approach! Excited to embark on this journey!"

Karman B


"Bro your eBook helped a lot thank you"

Terry T


"Nico's ebook was extremely educational and a great motivator for me. I followed his advice and made some important changes in my life. I really respected his honesty and direct advice. I will continue to implement and keep an eye on his advice and content in the future"

Wade S


"As a beginner P.O.V., this covers everything one needs to know to loose fat. It takes you through it step by step like you're a complete beginner. It's straight forward and motivating."

In this free phone call consultation you tell us your physical and mental ambitions that you’ve been wanting to achieve for so long. We will help you map out and structure a plan that is going to allow you to achieve your desired goals and get you out of the shitty rut that you hate being in. "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!" - Benjamin Franklin

  • Category: Consultation
  • Service Duration: 15 Minutes
  • Location:Online Link
  • Price:Free

The one-week trial consists of the following modules:

1)  personalised physical training program (which can be at home or at a gym depending on your preference) - this is based off the information that you have provided us about your goals, the days you can train, your previous experience, any previous injuries etc...

2)  A personalised nutrition plan - we do not recommend dramatic weight changes within only a week, nevertheless one week is a good time frame to trial new foods to improve your diet.

3) An introduction to our "Iron Mind" course - this includes meditation practices, goal setting and life planning. We use pre-made templates with Notion to aid your one week Iron Mind introduction

How much value you get from the one week trial:
  • 1 week personalised training program (£40 value)
  • 1 week personalised nutrition plan (£30 value)
  • 1 week "Iron Mind" intro course (£20 value)


PRICE: £47 (100% money back guarantee if product is unsatisfactory)

GO TO PRICING OPTIONS BELOW TO PURCHASE. You will receive a questionnaire and within 24 hours, you will have your one week trial!

Paula R


"The one-week PT program and timetable provided a well-structured and effective workout routine, tailored to individual goals while delivering tangible results."

Module 1 - Fat Loss Fundamentals and an Introduction to the Success Mindset

Lesson 1) The Goals of This Course (Equipping You With the Necessary Tools to Get Ripped) Lesson 2) Fundamental Facts Lesson 3) The Relationship Between Food and Exercise Lesson 4) The Success Blueprint - Your Mindset Recipe

Module 2 - Nutrition

Lesson 1) The Foundations of Fat Loss Nutrition Lesson 2) Recipes and Meal Prepping for Fat Loss Lesson 3) Tips and Tricks

Module 3 - Training

Lesson 1) Planning and Programming Lesson 2) Exercise Selection Lesson 3) Example Weeks

Module 4 - Biohacks

Lesson 1) Sleep Lesson 2) Hydration Lesson 3) Meditation

Module 5 - Sustainability

Lesson 1) Accountability Lesson 2) Progression Lesson 3) What You Must Do Now

-Discover the science-backed secrets in this online course that will guide you through nutrition, exercise, and mindset strategies to shed excess fat and build a ripped, strong physique-


Course duration: 1 hour 10 minutes

Scroll down to pricing options to be able to access this course for £197

If you are not convinced with this amazing offer, you can check out our testimonials on the testimonials page below...

12 weeks


A 12 week training program helping individuals reach their goals through personalised instruction and guidance. Learn faster, achieve more.


A 12 week nutrition plan tailored to you. Included are personalised meal plans, recipes and nutrition advice to reach your goals.


Helping busy professionals develop better habits and mindsets for success. Our unique program offers coaching, guidance, and tools to create positive change.

  • 12 week personalised training program (£564 value)
  • 12 week nutrition plan (£450 value)
  • Mindset tips and tricks (£150 value)
  • The Smart Eater's Guide to Fat Loss EBook (£149 value)
  • Full time accountability enforcer including weekly check ups, fully pre-made notion templates and more (£1000 value)
Total Value: £2313

Actual price: £997

what you get from the executive program image
Lifestyle Blueprint Limited offers a holistic approach to helping young people achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

We help you achieve your physical aspirations, whether you want to lose fat, gain lean muscle, or even simply be able to play your sport pain free, we will tailor the program specifically to you.

It is vital to keep in mind the mental aspect - our 'Iron Mind' program includes advice and resources on goal setting, meditation and general life planning. We believe that developing the right mindset is as important as getting in shape.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive support to our clients and help them reach their highest potential.

Nico (the founder of Lifestyle Blueprint LTD) has been on a journey of self improvement for the last three years and he believes that he has learnt invaluable information during this process.

For people starting out, having a one stop resource to fast track your progress is a no-brainer.

Incredible progress is guaranteed, that is why we offer a 100% money-back guarantee policy.

Vision without action is a dream. So what are you waiting for?

The ball is in your court...

ABOUT image

I have teamed up with Jack Pijl ( who specialises in leadership coaching to help you overcome any challenge that comes your way.

People in the corporate world may sometimes overlook their physical and mental health due to the stresses of every day life. That's why we have teamed up with Jack - because he understands that a holistic approach is needed to maximise each aspect of a businessperson's life.

Jack has "worked in financial services (including banking, wealth management and insurance), media and law", and has "over 15 years of experience working in a senior management capacity in different sectors". He has "led large, multi-jurisdictional teams and understands the leadership challenges associated with those roles." He has "gained tremendous knowledge of work related issues from stress, performance anxiety to leadership issues and team development." 

Young men need to live like our caveman ancestors (minus the 30 year life expectancy). 

We have become too soft in this snowflake generation. 

One filled with instant gratification where we can order our dinners on Deliveroo, binge an award winning show on Netflix while endlessly scrolling social media and spend whole days comfortably inside. 

The lives of cavemen lives consisted of the following: 


Simple. Powerful. 

Personally I’ve been on my own caveman-transition journey. 

I’ve started eating single ingredient foods (steak, eggs, nuts etc), dialled in my physical training, and developed a laser focus on my purpose which has contributed to superior mental health. 

I’ve had this deep primal urge recently to move to an isolated cabin in the wilderness and hunt for my food. 

I’m not sure how to explain it - but it feels right. 

If you can relate to this feeling, please leave a comment on this blog post, saying ‘same.’ 

Until next time,




You are probably here because you are unsatisfied with your physical appearance and as a result, have been suffering mentally. It is probably because you are too busy and preoccupied with your job and/or family. Of course you are not going to have the time to find the right training plan, find the right nutrition plan, figure out when and how to exercise etc...

Sticking to something can be hard, but what is even harder is finding out that after months/years of being consistent with something, nothing has changed. That is because there is a lot of shit out there and doing the RIGHT things are overlooked too much by MOST PEOPLE. You may think you are an exception. Clearly, you are not.

Outsourcing your physical aspirations is the answer. Of course, we can't do the work for you (that is the fun part), but we will completely plan a fully personalised and well structured routine and diet for you.

What does success look like for you in 1/2/5 years time? Have that image in your head and immediately sign up for a free phone call consultation where we will turn dreams into reality 


Accreditations image
We are officially licensed as a limited company through Companies House and have a trademark under Class 41. Providable products and services under Class 41 include ‘Health and wellness training’, ’Education services related to nutrition’, ‘Training or educational services in the field of life coaching’ and more. For more detail, feel free to check out this website which gives more information about Class 41: 
  • Earlsfield, London, UK